Title: Marks of a Godly Deacon Text: Romans 12:9-12 1. Love this church big 2. Hate evil and love good 3. Be zealous and fervent in your service to the Lord 4. Be hopeful and patient 5. Be a prayer warrior
Series: Peculiar People Title: Our Adversary Text: 1 Peter 5:5-10 Today’s Top: How have to have victory over your greatest adversary, the devil 1. See his intentions 2. Humble yourself 3. Stay vigilant 4. Resist him 5. Hope in God May the God of Peace soon crush Satan underneath your feet!
Series: Peculiar People Title: My Shepherd Text: 1 Peter 5:1-4 Today’s Thought: Will you let the shepherds shepherd? 1. God has ordained this shepherd office to lead the church 2. God has placed these shepherds among you for a season and for a reason 3. These shepherds are to lead with godly motives and in…
Series: Peculiar People Title: Tried and Tested Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19 Today’s Task – How should a Christian process the suffering experienced through the trials and tests of this life? 1. Expect to suffer 2. Rejoice in suffering for righteousness 3. Avoid suffering for sin 4. Trust the Lord while you suffer May our trials…