CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Doctrine of Christ

Victory in His Hands

Series: Peculiar People Title:  Victory in His Hands Text:  1 Peter 3:18-22 Today’s Truth:  You are victorious despite the opposition you suffer because of Christ 1. Christ, the righteous, suffered to death for you, the unrighteous 2. Christ was made alive by the Spirit 3. Christ has the power to give you victory by saving…


Title:  Magnify Text:  Luke 1:46-55 Today’s Takeaway – Christmas is your opportunity to magnify Jesus… 1. For the mercy shown in Him 2. For the blessing to the humble and needy by Him 3. For God keeping His promises through Him May your celebrations elevate Jesus above all else so that your Christmas is a CHRIST-mas

The Tabernacle and Temples

Series:  Jesus Is Greater Than Title:  The Tabernacle and Temples Text:  Hebrews 9:1-28 Jesus > the Tabernacle and Temples 1. See the glory of the Tabernacle, the First Temple, and the Second Temple 2. Understand the Tabernacle’s and Temples’ limitations a. limited access b. limited effectiveness c. limited reality d. limited purity 3. Rejoice in…