Series: Incarnate: the Glory of the Christ at Christmas Title: All I Do Is Win Text: John 1:4-5 Today’s Takeaway – Rejoice in the success of the incarnation 1. Jesus is light 2. Jesus is unstoppable May you never grow tired of winning in Jesus!
Series: Incarnate: the Glory of Christ at Christmas Title: How Will This Be? Text: Luke 1:34 Today’s Takeaway – Marvel at the glorious surprise of Jesus’s incarnation 1. The miracle of His conception 2. The nature of His person 3. The regality of His purpose May the surprise of Christmas freshly fill you with…
Title: Unto You Is Born This Day Text: Luke 2:6-20 Today’s Task – What do we learn about Jesus from His birth announcement? 1. He is the savior of the world 2. He is the anointed prophet, priest, and king 3. He is the Lord God in the flesh May you run like the shepherds…
Series: The Mission of Christmas Title: Kinship Text: Luke 1:26-38 Mission #1: Jesus came at Christmas to gain kinship in the flesh with humanity so that He could save humanity. 1. Without the incarnation, Jesus could not be our substitute 2. Without the incarnation, Jesus could not be our sacrifice 3. Without the incarnation, Jesus…