CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Law

Acceptable Priests and Sacrifices

Series:  The Code Title:  Acceptable Priests and Sacrifices Text:  Leviticus 21-22 Tonight’s Takeaway – God requires flawlessness and wholeness for those in His presence and His worship For the priests: 1. Ceremonial purity requirements for all priests a. Limited contact with a dead body b. Limited bodily alteration c. Limited options for marriage 2. Ceremonial…


Series:  The Code Title:  Unclean Text:  Leviticus 11-15 1.  Understand the purpose of the cleanness code 2.  Grasp the basic ordinances of the cleanness code a. Animals for food b. Childbirth c. Skin diseases d. Fungus in garments e. Fungus in homes f. Bodily discharges 3.  Rejoice in the truths the cleanliness code teaches in…

Don’t Get Me Wrong

Series:  Life Lessons from the Mountain Title:  Don’t Get Me Wrong Text:  Matthew 5:17-20 What does Jesus think about the Law of God? 1.  It is a good standard 2.  It is an enduring standard 3.  It is a mandatory standard 4.  It is a high standard May the Law of God lead us to…