Title: Marks of a Godly Deacon Text: Romans 12:9-12 1. Love this church big 2. Hate evil and love good 3. Be zealous and fervent in your service to the Lord 4. Be hopeful and patient 5. Be a prayer warrior
Title: Marks of a Godly Deacon Text: Romans 12:9-12 1. Love this church big 2. Hate evil and love good 3. Be zealous and fervent in your service to the Lord 4. Be hopeful and patient 5. Be a prayer warrior
Series: Peculiar People Title: My Shepherd Text: 1 Peter 5:1-4 Today’s Thought: Will you let the shepherds shepherd? 1. God has ordained this shepherd office to lead the church 2. God has placed these shepherds among you for a season and for a reason 3. These shepherds are to lead with godly motives and in…
Series: Peculiar People Title: God’s Wonderful Plan for Your Life Text: 1 Peter 2:9-10 Today’s Takeaway – See the incredible grace and mercy God has determined to show you 1. God has made you part of Israel through Jesus Christ 2. God has lovingly laid claim to you 3. God has given you what you…
Series: I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title: Account Text: 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 Today’s Truth – Loving my church requires accountability 1. We are called to protect one another from the eternal danger of sin 2. We really love only those we hold accountable 3. We have been given a process 4. We act…
Series: I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title: Appraise Text: Luke 14:25-27 Today’s Truth: Loving my church requires appraisal 1. Jesus > your family 2. Jesus > your possessions 3. Jesus > your life May we value Jesus more than anything on this earth!
Series: I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title: Act Text: 1 Corinthians 16:14 Today’s Truth – Loving my church requires action 1. Place myself under the spiritual leadership of this local body, particularly its pastors 2. Gather together regularly with this local body 3. Develop genuine Christian relationships with members of this local body…
Series: I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title: Attend Text: Acts 2:42-47 Today’s Truth – Loving my church requires attendance 1. Understand your presence itself as an act of love 2. Prioritize the assembly of the church 3. See the sinfulness of forsaking the assembly 4. Recognize the vulnerability of yourself and your church…
Series: Peculiar People Title: From the HeartText: 1 Peter 1:22-2:1 Today’s Takeaway – Love your Christian brothers and sisters Why? 1. As fruit of being born again 2. As an outworking of holy obedience How? 1. Sincerely 2. Fervently 3. Deeply 4. Continually 5. Ridding ourselves of… a. malice b. deceit c. hypocrisy d. envy…
Title: The State of the Church Text: 2 Corinthians 13:5 1. Reasons to celebrate 2. Room to grow 3. Resolutions to pursue May we as a church move forward in 2024 for the glory of God, growth of this church, and good of this community!
Title: Make Our Joy Complete: A Charge to New Deacons Text: Philippians 2:1-8 Today’s Takeaway – Imitate Jesus so that you may become to your fullest capacity a servant of this church 1. Let Jesus be your example 2. Remove some natural barriers 3. Give yourself to some godly efforts May this church look back…