CONNECT people to Christ and
POUR into their lives His teaching so that they’ll
OVERFLOW for the glory of God!
Jesus: Holy, God-Man, and Savior. His nature is a beautiful surprise to celebrate this Christmas. #HolyNight #GodMan #JesusSaves
Jesus is the God-man: truly God and truly man. He experienced hunger, thirst, and emotions like us, yet remained divine. A perfect Savior! #GodMan #Incarnation #JesusSaves
Jesus wasn’t an ordinary baby—He was holy, completely sinless from conception. The Son of God, born without sin to save sinners. #HolyChild #Luke1 #ChristmasMiracle
The incarnation is a marvelous surprise: the Holy Spirit overshadows, a virgin conceives, and Jesus—the Savior—is born. What a glorious plan! #ChristmasStory #JesusSaves #MiracleOfChristmas