You’ve likely seen the punishment of quartering in the movies. They would put you on the ground, tie a rope to each of your four limbs, and then tie the other end of those ropes to four different horses. And, when it was all set, those four horses would pull in four different directions and stretch you out. It would be very painful. Indeed, sometimes the pitiful person’s body would be completely torn into four different parts or four quarters, hence the name “quartering.” That’s certainly not the way I want to go.
But, I wonder, do you ever feel like in life you are being quartered, being pulled in all directions? It can be painful. It can be torturous. You’re being pulled here and there and there and here. And you can’t get anything done. And it just seems like you can’t win, no matter how hard you try.
Women, in particular, say that they feel this way. The pressures of society pull women in all directions, trying to get them to do everything. They are pulled to have a family and have a career and lead this club and serve in that cause and so on and so forth. And in the end, it can leave them stretched, even torn, and frustrated.
For you ladies struggling with that, let me share with you today’s word of wisdom from Proverbs 14:1. It says, “The wisest of women builds her house.” Sister, that means stop letting all of these lesser things pull you in all of those different directions. Give yourself first and foremost to the direction that matters. Prioritize your home. There are a lot of things you could build, but the wisest of women builds her house.
Change begins in you!