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'Perseverance of the Saints' Tagged Posts

Stay the Course

Undoubtedly, learning is thrilling, but being tested isn’t.  Throughout my years of formal education, tests were almost always stressful and very difficult.  With all the studying and cramming and pressure, they were in no way fun.  However, I have to wonder where I would be educationally if I had never been tested.  Where would you be?  I suspect that we wouldn’t be…

Faith under Fire

We love music around the Simpson house, and in our opinion, it doesn’t get much better than The Isaacs. One of our favorite songs by them testifies joyfully in the chorus, “He’s taking care of me; in ways that I cannot see; He’s working it for my good just like He said He would, and He’s taking care of me.” What a…

Can Salvation Be Lost?

Can true Christians lose their salvation?  In other words, can a person be truly saved and then truly lost later? This question is, of course, very important but has been a controversial point throughout the ages.  Many have believed and do believe that true Christians cannot lose their salvation while at the same time many have believed and do believe the opposite.…

Through the Fire: 10 Truths to Help in the Face of Persecution

Ben Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes.”  While I appreciate his wit and agree that those two things are an unfortunate mainstay, there are, of course, many more certainties we can expect in this age.  For the Christian, one certainty, I’m sad to say, is persecution.  Suffering of this type is particularly commonplace for Christians…


One of the great testimonial songs in the hymnal begins this way: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! In the midst of life’s storms, assurance that God will never let you go is a wonderful comfort.  The fact that you, no matter the situation, will be victorious in the end through Christ is a soothing balm…