CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Posts by Ben

This Doesn’t Belong to Us

One of our flesh’s favorite verses in the Bible comes from Exodus 21:24, which says, “eye for eye and tooth for tooth.” It goes on to say, “hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” When somebody hurts us, we long to see them held accountable and hurt…

A Double Shot of Reality

When it comes to advertising and marketing, there are several businesses that are really good at what they do, but perhaps there are none better than alcoholic beverage companies. Think about some of the most memorable commercials of all time, and at or near the top of that list will likely be a company selling…

Will You Lend Money to God?

How does it typically hit you when somebody asks to borrow money from you? Does it strike you as funny because you’re like, “Dude, borrow from me? I need to borrow from you,”? Or does it flatter you? “Oh, I’m charmed you think I have money to lend.” Or maybe it angers you, “How dare…

Your Most Amazing and Powerful Muscle

Your mouth is home to one of the most amazing muscles in the entire human body. I’m talking about your tongue. And to be more precise, it’s not just a muscle. It’s actually eight muscles. Did you know that? Your tongue is a network of 8 different muscles. And your tongue does all sorts of…

Wanted: True Friends

If you were to look on your Facebook right now, how many “friends” would it say you have? Mine says that I have 1,800 friends. I didn’t know this until I looked it up, but Facebook only allows you to have 5,000 friends, and after that, no more new friends. Can you believe that? Only…

How to Attract People to Yourself

Do you enjoy being around generous people? I do. And, I bet you do. There’s just a joy being around that kind of person. That’s why the Bible says in Proverbs 19:6, “Many seek the favor of a generous man, and everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts.” Now, we could take…

Just Flip for It!

One of the joys I have this year is helping to coach the Lamar PeeWee football team. It’s a great bunch of 10-12-year-old boys. I work with the offensive and defensive lineman. Last week, the day after we had played a game, the coaches decided to just let the boys have some fun on the…

Let Your Gifting Be Your Promotion

A lot of people, especially young people, have dreams and aspirations to be famous one day. Some of them are rather ambitious and concoct a plan to climb to the top of whatever they are pursuing. They plot and scheme and claw their way to where they want to go and don’t really care who…

Hear the Question First

I’m kind of a gameshow junkie, and one of my favorites over the years has been “Family Feud.” That show is a lot of fun! Each round begins with a face-off where a person from each family walks up to the table with buzzers. The host reads the question, and the first person to hit…

Run to the Strong Tower

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe. I love that song! Did you know that it comes straight from the Bible, Proverbs 18:10? Doesn’t the Bible make for the best worship lyrics? I love singing God’s words back to Him. Beloved, our God is…