Doesn’t it just burn you up when you see a person done wrong? You and I have an innate, godly desire to see people who do wrong get what they deserve. But, it’s so frustrating sometimes because it seems like they usually get away with it. Nothing happens to them. In fact, sometimes it even looks like the wicked prosper. Can you think of a situation where it looks like that’s happening?
Well, in situations like that, let Proverbs 11:21 be an encouragement to you. It says, “Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.”
Beloved, you and I can be sure: they won’t get away with it. Their wickedness will not go unpunished. God is a just judge. Even in situations where nobody else sees what that person did, God sees it, and God will take care of the matter. It may not be immediate, but it is assured.
The question we all have to ask is, am I an evil person? We like to use the word “evil” to describe something that’s really, really sinful, but any and all sin is evil according to Scripture. So, are you an evil person? The 10 Commandments will help us answer that question.
Have you ever lied? If so, then according to Scripture you are evil. Did you ever dishonor your parents? Then you are an evil person. Have you ever loved something more than God? Then you are an evil person. Regardless of its value, have you taken anything that is not yours? Then you are an evil person. That’s only 4 of the 10 commandments.
I’ve lied, dishonored my parents, loved something more than God, and stolen things. In and of myself, I am an evil person. And I deserve punishment. And you do too.
However, God has done something amazing. He sent Jesus Christ to live the life that you and I cannot live and to die the death that we deserve so that whosoever will turn from sin and trust in Him will forgiven instead of punished. You will be saved from the consequences of your sin. And three days later, Jesus rose from the dead to prove that there is salvation in Jesus.
Beloved, listen to me today: either you will pay for your sins or Jesus paid for your sins. Evil will not go unpunished. May you turn to Jesus and live!
Change begins in you!