The heart of every Christian should be to live a life worthy of the calling you have received in Jesus Christ. That doesn’t mean that you and I are to earn our salvation. It means that our life would honor the sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation. He gave up everything in order to save us from our sins.
In Ephesians 4, Apostle Paul calls us to this type of Christ-worthy life and then helps us to understand what that kind of life looks like. He points us to five things.
First, a life worthy of Christ is marked by humility. It’s a life that boasts not the least in ourselves, but entirely in Christ.
A life worthy of Christ is also characterized by gentleness. Jesus encouraged us to take his yoke upon ourselves, and learn from Him, for He is gentle and lowly in heart. His gentleness begets our gentleness.
Third, a life worth of Christ is marked by patience. As God has been so patient with us, so we extend patience to those around us.
A life worthy of Christ is also characterized by bearing with one another in love. Because of love, God longsuffers with us, and we in turn longsuffer with others.
And finally is an eagerness for unity through peace. Christ’s aim is to bring people together, to tear down walls of enmity. That should be our aim as well.
Beloved, these are some of the marks of a life worthy of Christ. May our lives be characterized by them.
Change begins in you!