CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Doctrine of Sanctification

Faith Overflowing into Thanksgiving

Series:  More Blesséd to Give Title:  Faith Overflowing into Thanksgiving Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-12 Today’s Truth – I will give financially to God in faith   Faith leads us to…   1. Give bountifully for the bountiful harvest   2. Give freely and cheerfully, as is pleasing to God   3. Give knowing God will provide for your needs…

Lay Up Treasures

Series:  More Blesséd to Give Title:  Lay Up Treasures Text:  Matthew 6:19-21,24 Today’s Truth – I need to give financially to God A. Don’t water down this teaching by adding in stewardships other than wealth B. God doesn’t need me to give my wealth 1. It offers the better investment 2. It ties my heart to God 3. It guards my heart from idols May you fully…