Title: Unclean
Text: Leviticus 11-15
1. Understand the purpose of the cleanness code
2. Grasp the basic ordinances of the cleanness code
a. Animals for food
b. Childbirth
c. Skin diseases
d. Fungus in garments
e. Fungus in homes
f. Bodily discharges
3. Rejoice in the truths the cleanliness code teaches in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ
a. God defines what is clean and unclean
b. God requires that only clean things be used in His service
c. Ceremonial uncleanness reminds us of our spiritual uncleanness
d. God in His grace makes a way for us to be made clean and usable for His service
e. God has removed the ceremonial code so that Jews and Gentiles might be in fellowship