CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Doctrine of Christ (Page 3)

Resurrected Suffering Servant

Series:  Foretold Title:  Resurrected Suffering Servant Text:  Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Today’s Topic – 10 Easter truths about Jesus Christ, the resurrected suffering servant 1. Jesus came as a servant on an Easter mission for God 2. Jesus’ attractiveness came not from His appearance 3. Jesus was brutalized and put to shame through the process of the…


Series:  The Mission of Christmas Title:  Kinship Text:  Luke 1:26-38 Mission #1:  Jesus came at Christmas to gain kinship in the flesh with humanity so that He could save humanity. 1. Without the incarnation, Jesus could not be our substitute 2. Without the incarnation, Jesus could not be our sacrifice 3. Without the incarnation, Jesus…