CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Doctrine of Christ (Page 5)

Hope Identified

Series:  The Thrill of Hope Title:  Hope Identified Text:  John 3:22-36 Today’s Task:  Make it your life’s passion and purpose to identify Jesus as the only hope for the world 1.  Realize that you were made for this passion and purpose, as John was (Malachi 3:1, 4:5) 2.  Waste no time fulfilling your passion and…

Hope Foretold

Series:  The Thrill of Hope Title:  Hope Foretold Text:  Isaiah 53:1-12 Today’s Takeaway – Hope in Christ as you look through the cradle to the cross! 1.  The Christ was completely combined God and man 2.  The Christ was beautifully ordinary 3.  The Christ was our merciful substitute 4.  The Christ received an abounding reward…


Title:  Resurrection:Impossible Text:  Matthew 28:11-15 Today’s Task:  What are three indisputable facts proving the resurrection? 1. Jesus’ tomb was empty 2. People claimed to have interacted with the resurrected Jesus 3. Christianity was born and exploded in growth because of the resurrection claim So, why don’t you believe? May we become convinced that the only…