CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God


Series:  I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title:  Act Text:  1 Corinthians 16:14 Today’s Truth – Loving my church requires action 1. Place myself under the spiritual leadership of this local body, particularly its pastors 2. Gather together regularly with this local body 3. Develop genuine Christian relationships with members of this local body…


Series:  I ♥️ My Church: A Peculiar People Interlude Title:  Attend Text:  Acts 2:42-47 Today’s Truth – Loving my church requires attendance 1. Understand your presence itself as an act of love 2. Prioritize the assembly of the church 3. See the sinfulness of forsaking the assembly 4. Recognize the vulnerability of yourself and your church…