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Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Lay Up Treasures

Series:  More Blesséd to Give Title:  Lay Up Treasures Text:  Matthew 6:19-21,24 Today’s Truth – I need to give financially to God A. Don’t water down this teaching by adding in stewardships other than wealth B. God doesn’t need me to give my wealth 1. It offers the better investment 2. It ties my heart to God 3. It guards my heart from idols May you fully…

A Look into the Future

Series:  Enduring the Dragon Title:  A Look into the Future Text:  Revelation 14:6-20 Today’s Thought:  Which future will be my future? Future #1 – Everlasting blessing where I will continually experience the kindness of God in Heaven Future #2 – Everlasting destruction where I will continually experience the wrath of God in Hell May your future be firm through saving faith in Jesus!

A Dragon in Sheep’s Clothing

Series:  Enduring the Dragon Title:  A Dragon in Sheep’s Clothing Text:  Revelation 13:11-18 1. What is this beast? 2. Who is its power? 3. What is its purpose? 4. What is its plan? Today’s Takeaway – Satan is happy to use religion to try to keep you out of Heaven A. Keep the church free from government intrusion and co-opting B. Engage the government with your faith to keep Satan at…

Sore Loser

Series:  Enduring the Drago Title:  Sore Loser Text:  Revelation 12:7-17 1. Satan’s massive loss #1:  Satan’s plan to stop Jesus was unsuccessful 2. Satan’s massive loss #2:  Satan’s access for accusing the saints in Heaven before God has been revoked 3. Satan’s massive loss #3:  Satan’s earthly kingdom has been toppled with the inauguration of…