CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Sermons on Gospel (Page 8)

Invest to Invite

Title: Invest to Invite (aka, Develop Relationships to Impact People) Text: Luke 19:1-10 Today’s Takeaway:  Make friends with people far from God so that they might be brought near to God 1.  You might surprise people by being interested in their friendship 2.  You might make some religious people mad 3.  You might feel like you are walking on water 4.  You might see God do an amazing act of salvation May God…

Persistent Petition

Series:  Let Him HearTitle:  Persistent Petition Text:  Luke 18:1-8Tonight’s Takeaway:  Be persistent in putting your petitions before God through prayer 1. Persistence is effective for getting what is right and good in this unrighteous world 2. How much more does persistence pay off in getting what is right and good from our righteous God May…

One in Resurrection Victory

Series:  Together We Stand Title:  One in Resurrection Victory Text:  1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Tonight’s Task:  How will our resurrection bodies more glorious than our current bodies? 1.  Our resurrection bodies will be imperishable, not perishable 2.  Our resurrection bodies will be honorable, not shameful 3.  Our resurrection bodies will be powerful, not weak 4.  Our…

One Believing in Resurrection

Series:  Together We stand Title:  One Believing in Resurrection Text:  1 Corinthians 15:12-34 Tonight’s Takeaway – Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation for the hope of our future resurrection 1.  Understand the serious implications if it’s impossible for people to be resurrected 2.  Jesus Christ’s resurrection is not only proof that it’s possible for people to…

Friend of Sinners

Series:  #MyNewLife Title:  Friend of Sinners Text:  Luke 5:27-32 Today’s Takeaway – Develop relationships to impact people with the gospel 1.  Never forget that Jesus can save the sinner farthest from God 2.  Intentionally draw close to those who are far from God 3.  Look for low hanging fruit around new Christians 4.  Refuse to…