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Sermons on Doctrine (Page 30)

The Astounding Love of God

Title:  The Astounding Love of God Text:  Zephaniah 3:17 Today’s Takeaway:  Marvel at the astounding love of God that… 1.  Reaches out far to bring you into close relationship with Him 2.  Responds with appropriate discipline when you go astray 3.  Restores you to a place of blessing and favor 4.  Rejoices over you as…

Red and Yellow, Black and White

Series:  The Elephant in the Room Title:  Red and Yellow, Black and White Text:  Acts 17:24-26 Today’s Task – How do I live out a biblical worldview on race? 1.  Reject the lie of different human races 2.  Understand where racism comes from 3.  Identify yourself foremost with Christ 4.  Work for biblical ethnic reconciliation 5.  Rejoice…

The Elephant Too Big for the Closet

Series:  The Elephant in the Room Title:  The Elephant Too Big for the Closet Series:  Romans 1:16-32 Today’s Takeaway:  I must think about homosexuality like God has revealed himself to think in the Bible 1.  The practice of homosexuality is condemned by God 2.  The practice of homosexuality indicates a society is being judged by…

The Abomination of Abortion

Series:  The Elephant in the Room Title:  The Abomination of Abortion Text:  Proverbs 6:16-19 Today’s Takeaway – Hate the practice of abortion because it is an abomination to God 1.  Abortion is founded upon haughtiness 2.  Abortion is propagated by lying tongues 3.  Abortion sheds innocent human blood 4.  Abortion is a premeditated wicked plan…