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Sermons on Doctrine (Page 29)

Hope Foretold

Series:  The Thrill of Hope Title:  Hope Foretold Text:  Isaiah 53:1-12 Today’s Takeaway – Hope in Christ as you look through the cradle to the cross! 1.  The Christ was completely combined God and man 2.  The Christ was beautifully ordinary 3.  The Christ was our merciful substitute 4.  The Christ received an abounding reward…


Title:  #StillSovereign Text:  Psalm 47 Today’s Takeaway – Rejoice and give thanks to God because He still sits sovereign on His throne 1.  God has no rival 2.  God controls every inch of creation 3.  God has sovereignly showered us with His love May you continue to be happy in thanksgiving as long as God…

You Kiss Your Mother with That Mouth?

Series:  Potty Mouth Title:  You Kiss Your Mother with That Mouth? Text:  Ephesians 4:29 Today’s Takeaway – Christian, free yourself of foul language 1.  You are a new creature being conformed to God 2.  You shouldn’t belittle awesome and awful biblical realities 3.  Your words were meant to give grace May our words be fitting…

The Astounding Love of God

Title:  The Astounding Love of God Text:  Zephaniah 3:17 Today’s Takeaway:  Marvel at the astounding love of God that… 1.  Reaches out far to bring you into close relationship with Him 2.  Responds with appropriate discipline when you go astray 3.  Restores you to a place of blessing and favor 4.  Rejoices over you as…

Red and Yellow, Black and White

Series:  The Elephant in the Room Title:  Red and Yellow, Black and White Text:  Acts 17:24-26 Today’s Task – How do I live out a biblical worldview on race? 1.  Reject the lie of different human races 2.  Understand where racism comes from 3.  Identify yourself foremost with Christ 4.  Work for biblical ethnic reconciliation 5.  Rejoice…