Series: Your Grace Finds Me
Title: Wifely Submission as Fruit
Text: Ephesians 5:22-24, 32-33
Today’s Takeaway – Make it easy for your husband to sacrifice for you by being a spirit-filled wife who respectfully submits for her husband
1. Submit to the Spirit
2. Submit to the balance of the Bible’s teaching
a. Women are not to submit to every man
b. Wives are not the only ones to submit
c. Wives are not lesser than husbands
d. Wives are not doormats
e. Wives don’t have to agree on everything
f. Wives are to wield intelligence and influence
3. Submit as part of your obedience to Christ
4. Submit to honor God’s design
5. Submit in everything godly
6. Submit to glorify Christ and the church
May your respectful submission, wives, tear down every barrier to your husband sacrificing for you!