Series: Foretold
Title: Resurrected Suffering Servant
Text: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Today’s Topic – 10 Easter truths about Jesus Christ, the resurrected suffering servant
1. Jesus came as a servant on an Easter mission for God
2. Jesus’ attractiveness came not from His appearance
3. Jesus was brutalized and put to shame through the process of the cross
4. Jesus was innocent, yet opened not His mouth
5. Jesus bore the penalty of our sins
6. Jesus died on the cross in our place
7. Jesus was crushed by the Lord as a guilt offering to the Lord
8. Jesus was laid in borrowed tomb
9. Jesus was resurrected back to life on the third day
10. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection offers us peace with God
May this Easter you rejoice and trust in Jesus who suffered severely so that you don’t have to!