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'Devotional' Tagged Posts (Page 7)

They Went Out From Us

One of the most concerning scenarios we face in the Christian life is when we have a person around us, around our church, in our life, who seems to be a follower of Jesus. They made a profession of faith. They were baptized. They attended church faithfully. Maybe they even served in some capacity. But…

Good Friday

Today is the day in Holy Week we call Good Friday. That name is quite oxymoronic because Good Friday in a sense was a very dark day. It was the day that Jesus was crucified. Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day, Christ on the road to Calvary, Tried by sinful men, torn…

Spy Wednesday

As we continue our observance of Holy Week, today we come to what has traditionally been called Spy Wednesday. Today we remember the moment where Judas Iscariot slipped off from Jesus and the disciples to make a deal with the Jewish leaders there in Jerusalem to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. The leaders…

Zealous Monday

Welcome to Holy Week 2024! What is Holy Week? Holy Week is the remembrance of the week between Palm Sunday where Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem and Easter Sunday where Jesus was marvelously resurrected in Jerusalem. Yesterday was Palm Sunday. Today is what I call Zealous Monday. It’s the day that Jesus cleansed the temple there…

Who Do You Love the Most?

One of the most impactful moments in Apostle Peter’s life was when Jesus, after Peter had denied knowing him and after Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection, asked Peter if he loved him. Peter said, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus and Peter ended up doing this three times. And each time, after Peter…

The Day I Met My Father

I still remember the moment like it was yesterday. It was the spring of 1997. I had just finished an offseason football workout that day after school. And I jumped in my black 1978 Cutlas Supreme and headed home. As I was traveling down Girkin Rd, I was just extra burdened that day. My 17yo…

The Never-ending-ness of God

I have a riddle for you this morning:  What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich don’t need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die? The answer to the riddle is “nothing.” Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the Devil. The poor…

Reminded More Than Instructed

A well-known author from England in the 1700s named Samuel Johnson once wrote, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” There’s certainly some wisdom in that statement. If you and I just did everything we already know to do, we’d be just fine. Apostle John takes a similar approach…

Are You a Christian?

Are you a Christian? Sometimes people are confused about this. Maybe we grew up in a Christian community and culture, and Christianity is just our default identification. Or maybe we walked an aisle at some point in our life and prayed a prayer and got dunked in the water. But that seems so long ago…

Cleanse Us from All Unrighteousness

Saturday Night Live has a been staple late night comedy for almost 50 years now. It’s not as funny as it used to be, but man, there have been some really funny comedians and some hilarious sketches over the years. One of my favorites was Dana Carvey, and one of his most memorable characters was…