Did you know that God wants you to live life under the influence? No, no under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In fact, the Holy Spirit says in Ephesians 5 that we should not get drunk with wine because it’s debauchery. Getting drunk or getting high is certainly living life under the influence, but it’s under the influence of the wrong thing.
God says, I’ve got something better than wine, bourbon, and beer. I’ve got something better than weed, rock, and smack. Don’t live under the influence of those things. Instead, be filled with the Spirit! Live life under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
And what a different that will make! When you life life under the influence of sinful things, sinful things come out of you, and life is hard. When you life life under the influence of the Holy Spirit, holy things come out of you–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control–and life is blessed.
Lord, that’s what I want! Is that what you want? Then get filled up not with wine but with the Spirit.
Change begins in you!