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'Change Begins in You' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Verbal Gold Like Liquid Gold

One of my passions over the last decade has been beekeeping. I absolutely love it! It’s fascinating and has all sorts of rewards. Most notable is that liquid gold, that precious honey. Of course, honey is good for you. It’s packed with nutrients, helpful cultures, and anti-allergy power. But if we’re being honest, the reason…

The Treasure of Education

It’s off to school we go. It’s off to school we go. We’ll take our lunch and ride the bus. It’s off to school we go. Of course, elementary, middle, and high schools have been in session for a couple weeks now. And this week, colleges get back into it. Students everywhere are getting their…

The Best Laid Plan of Mice and Men

There’s a famous line in Scottish poet Robert Burns’ poem “To a Mouse, On Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough” that people often quote:  “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” That little field mouse in the poem had picked what he thought was a great place for…

Commit Your Work to the Lord

In the heart of every person is a longing for their labor to matter. Whatever people do, they want it to really make a difference, to last longer than the fleeting moment, to be bigger than themselves. Do you long for that? Well, today’s word of wisdom has the key for you and me to…

Help Yourself or Hurt Yourself?

I wonder, do you want to help yourself or hurt yourself? Well, according to Scripture, the answer to that question depends on what you do with instruction, education, wisdom, truth. Proverbs 15:32 says, “Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence.” To despise yourself is to regard yourself as worthless.…

Thicket of Thorns or Level Highway?

One of the reasons that I love the Bible is that it’s so vivid! It often doesn’t just tell you a truth. It paints you a picture. And Proverbs 15:19 is a great example of that. It says, “The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright…

Low on the Hog

Have you found out in life that love makes all the difference? That’s why today’s word of wisdom from the book of Proverbs has me nodding, “Yes, and amen.” Proverbs 15:17, “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.” Isn’t that a creative and vivid way…

The Eyes of the Lord Are Upon You

There are more than a few “Walker, Texas Ranger” fans out there. I know I’m sure one of them. Any time I get a chance to see Chuck Norris beat up the bad guys, that’s a good day. I’m curious this morning, do you remember the theme song that opened up that show: In the…

Start or Extinguish?

In April 2019, news broke that the famous and beautiful Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France, was on fire. Some sort of spark there in the roof space caused a massive fire to break out early that evening. There was a quick response by the fire department, but by the time the fire was…

Spiritual Cyanide

Cyanide is a substance that you definitely want to avoid. It’s a poison that will kill you. It essentially suffocates you. Its chemical properties block your body’s cells from receiving oxygen. So, cyanide is extremely deadly to your body. But in today’s word of wisdom from the book of Proverbs, we run into a spiritual…