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Ready for the Storm?

Living in east central Mississippi, we certainly know what it is to have severe weather. In fact, I read not long ago that Mississippi leads the nation in tornado warnings issued. Thankfully, ol’ Scotty Ray always has our back when bad weather is coming!
Storms, in all their power, destroy both property and lives. That’s true of the metaphorical storms in life as well. They will blow you down and blow you away. With that in mind, listen to today’s wisdom from Proverbs 10:25, “When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever.”
The righteous will weather the storm. They will be left standing. Why? Because they are established forever. Established by whom? The righteous are established vy God. He is their rock and foundation, and they shall not be moved.
But it’s not that way with the wicked. When the storm comes, they are no more. They are blown down and blown away. They are destroyed. Why? Because their life isn’t built on a foundation. They have no rock to anchor their soul.
Beloved, the next storm is coming. Are you ready? I beg right now to turn to Christ. He is the rock and the foundation you need for both your body and soul. He is your only hope to weather the storm and experience everlasting life.
Change begins in you!


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