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Fair Weights and Measures

God gives us a very important piece of wisdom in Proverbs 11:1. He writes, “A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight.” A balance is talking about a beam scale. You’ve seen these before. They’re a real old-school way of weighing something. There’s a pillar in the middle and then a beam across the top. And then, on both sides of the beam hangs a pan. And, when the material in this pan is equal to the material in that pan, the two pans hang in perfect balance.
And so, to know much salt is a pound of salt, you would put a weight on one side of the scale that you know weighs one pound, and then you would add salt to the other side until the scale is perfectly balanced. That’s when you’d know you have a pound of salt.
But people are sinners and are prone to cheat, and so they find ways to give a false balance. They find a way to weigh something unfairly so that they can get ahead. And God says, “A false balance is an abomination to the LORD…” Why? Because it’s lying. But, “a just weight is his delight.”
This is true in business. We must measure things truly and fairly. But this is also true in life. We must weigh people and situations fairly. Too often, our criticism of a particular person or situation is heavier than our criticism of this other person or situation or heavier than how we would want to be criticized. We should be fair with everybody and treat everybody the same And we should weigh others the way we would want to be weighed. A false balance is an abomination to the Lord. Beloved, don’t throw out your scales. Just make sure that they are balanced.
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