CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Front Page (Page 8)

Frustrate the Devil

How would you like to ruin the devil’s day?  Want to see him with shoulders drooped, face all scrunched up in a frown of disappointment, and sitting on a bench pouting?  That sounds awesome, doesn’t it?  Okay then, here’s the game plan:  rejoice in your suffering. No seriously.  God has ordained suffering for your life to bring about much good, but the…

Knock, Knock…Who’s There?

Perhaps you have recently had a knock at your door, and on the other side are Jehovah’s Witnesses.  They are zealous and excited to share with you what they believe to be good news.  Are they Christian?  Should you listen to them or take their literature?  Let’s take a look at this group and see. How Did the Jehovah’s Witnesses Begin? We’ll…

God Reminded Me In Honduras That…

In the middle of August, I was blessed to teach systematic theology to twenty-three Honduran pastors outside of Tegucigalpa, Honduras at a Bible institute ran by Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International (BMDMI). On the heels of returning from that week-long trip, God has reminded me afresh of five major truths, which I share with you to stir you by way of…

20 Reasons to Take Risks for Jesus (Pt 2)

Yesterday, I gave you the first 10 reasons from Scripture for taking risks for Jesus.  Today, I’ll give you the final 10 that the Lord blessed me with on Saturday.  These are not my words of wisdom.  They are straight from the Word of God, which is wisdom indeed! So, if your flesh and the devil have you disobeying God and cowering…

20 Reasons to Take Risks for Jesus

Is Jesus calling you to take a step out in faith for Him?  Are you hindered from taking that step because of fear?  Is what Jesus is calling you to do a bit risky, and are your flesh and the devil pressuring you to say “No” to God? If you said “yes” to these questions, I want to comfort you by letting…

Where Do Idols Come From?

God is our maker and not what we have made.  That’s major!  Yet, it’s astonishing that people even today will gather materials and fashion for themselves an idol made of wood or metal. The Bible in several places shows the foolishness of this sinful practice.  One explicit passage is Jeremiah 10:1-6: Hear the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house…

Jesus or Your Children?

A few nights ago I was up late going through some mp3 songs to put on my phone. I’m sure you know how songs so easily take you down Memory Lane. I was well on my way when I ran across Phil Vassar’s song from back in 2000 called “Just Another Day in Paradise.” The song is all about how crazy life…

Recognize This Religion?

The most common religion in American might surprise you.  It’s not Christianity.  Neither is it Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, or Oprahism.  Neither is it atheism or science.  According to Christian Smith, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the University of Notre Dame, the most popular religion…

My Walk with King James

In honor of the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible, I committed to put aside my preferred translation, the New American Standard Bible, and solely preach from the KJV for the month of May.  That commitment is now over.  So, I thought that I would share with you some of my reflections. I want to say up front…

The Hound of Heaven

This poem is one of my favorites.  It has two characters.  One is a person fleeing from and resisting God–His love, His leadership, His salvation.  The other is an incessantly persuing God who will not rest until “all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more,” as the old hymn goes. The author is Francis Thompson, a 19th-century poet who…