Yesterday, I gave you the first 10 reasons from Scripture for taking risks for Jesus. Today, I’ll give you the final 10 that the Lord blessed me with on Saturday. These are not my words of wisdom. They are straight from the Word of God, which is wisdom indeed!
So, if your flesh and the devil have you disobeying God and cowering in the corner from fear, let the Word of God take root in your heart, and go forth for God in faith, hope, and love. Here are the final 10 of the 20:
- Take risks for Jesus: your children must see that Christ is your treasure (Matthew 13:44)
- Take risks for Jesus: God keeps you in life and will not let your feet stumble (Psalm 66:8-9)
- Take risks for Jesus: your mind is set on God’s interests and not mans (Matthew 16:23)
- Take risks for Jesus: God works all things for your good, child of God (Romans 8:28)
- Take risks for Jesus: God asks “Who will go for us?” & our response should be “Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
- Take risks for Jesus: nobody else will be saved unless you tell them the gospel (Romans 10:14)
- Take risks for Jesus: you are an ambassador of reconciliation between God and mankind (2 Corinthians 5:20)
- Take risks for Jesus: you have effective resources to spoil the schemes of Satan (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- Take risks for Jesus: your life is short and should not be wasted (James14:4)
- Take risks for Jesus: Jesus desires to use you to bring many other sons & daughters to glory (Hebrews 2:10)
Friend, I pray that we will not be bullied by the devil. I pray that we’ll not be stifled by our flesh. God desires to use us as mighty instrument in His hands. Who needs guts when you have God?! Even in your fear, lean on Him!
Stand on His promises, and let the Lord fill you with all power from above so that you can do what He’s calling you to do for Him. As that great song “The Voice of Truth” from Casting Crowns says in the chorus:
But the Voice of truth tells me a different story;
the Voice of truth says “Do not be afraid!”,
and the Voice of truth says “This is for My glory.”
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth
Take heart, and take risks for Jesus!
I’d love to hear some insight from you all. What are some other reasons from Scripture that we should take risks for Jesus?
Ben, I am so inspired by what God is teaching you…us. I know our family will grow and many who you minister to will as well because you said “Yes!”to God. I am thankful that God is greater than our simple minds and feeble wants, more than our own control-over-everything desires. I cannot wait to hear how God uses you in Honduras. I have shown the children where you will be on our little globe and will be praying for strength, clarity, and guidance for you and Brandon. I love you and thank you for sharing with all. Christy, your wife
Christy, that’s why I love you!!! I’m so blessed to have been given by God a wife like you!
im glad i have a god who loves and cares for me each day its hard everyday to trust him more but by his grace and his word i am glory be to god thanks for your word god and pastors like you who isnt afraid to share the truth god give me the boldness to share it with others