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Change Begins in You (2023-02-03)

Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? The telltale sign is whether or not you are carrying his cross with you. You see, Jesus tells us in Matthew 16, that that’s a requirement for his followers. Just as he carried his cross to the crucifixion, we must carry our cross.

In other words, we must crucify our fleshly desires if we are ever going to follow him. You see, Jesus is asking for total devotion and submission to him. That’s what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. And we must crucify our flesh daily. That’s why we must always carry our cross with us.

Are you totally devoted to Jesus? Are you denying your fleshly desires? Have you taken up your cross to follow him? Then want what he wants. Love what he loves. Go where he says go. And do what he says do.

Take up thy cross and follow me
I heard my Master say
“I gave my life to ransom thee
Surrender your all today”

Wherever He leads, I’ll go
Wherever He leads, I’ll go
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so
Wherever He leads, I’ll go

Change begins in you!


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