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Wednesday Is for Worship: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer (You Set Me Free)”

When I was leading worship, one of my favorite things to do was to find songs that bridged the generations, songs that were a combination of new and old, contemporary and traditional.  That effort has been made easier over the last seven or eight years as there has been a substantial movement in worship music to add some fresh flavor to old hymns.  One such song is “I Will Sing of My Redeemer.”

The original lyrics to this song were penned in 1876 by Philip P. Bliss.  This is per­haps the last hymn Bliss wrote be­fore he died in a train wreck that year. He sur­vived the in­i­tial crash but was killed try­ing un­suc­cess­ful­ly to res­cue his wife. The lyr­ics were found in his be­long­ings af­ter the ac­ci­dent.  The following year, James McGranahan set the lyrics to melody.

It’s a wonderfully Christ-centered song with a beautiful melody that the church has been blessed to sing for well over a century.  That’s probably what inspired Travis Cottrell and Beth Moore to pick up this song and update it with a second chorus called “You Set Me Free.” Cottrell included this song on his 2009 album “Jesus Saves Live.”

May this Wednesday be a worshipful one as you join along with Travis in singing to your Redeemer!

(Unfortunately, I’m having trouble embedding the video.  So, click here to sing along with Travis.)

I will sing of my Redeemer
and His wondrous love to me
On the cruel cross He suffered
from the curse to set me free

I will tell the wondrous story
how my lost estate to save
in His boundless love and mercy
He the ransom freely gave

I will praise my dear Redeemer
His triumphant power I’ll tell
How the victory He giveth
Over sin and death and hell

Sing, O sing of my Redeemer
With His blood He purchased me
On the cross He sealed my pardon
Paid the debt, and made me free

You set me free, my ransomed soul free
The darkness is over, beholding, I see
A living Redeemer, love healing me
Forever forgiven, this love song I bring
You set me free

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