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Verbal Gold Like Liquid Gold

One of my passions over the last decade has been beekeeping. I absolutely love it! It’s fascinating and has all sorts of rewards. Most notable is that liquid gold, that precious honey. Of course, honey is good for you. It’s packed with nutrients, helpful cultures, and anti-allergy power. But if we’re being honest, the reason we love honey is that it tastes so good! Its rich sweetness is not like anything else on earth.
Today’s word of wisdom says that gracious words are like honey. Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” Gracious words are sweet. You delight in them. They cause you to light up and smile. And, not only are they good to you, but they are also good for you. They encourage you and lift you up. They give you peace and offer hope.
We certainly love to hear gracious words, but we should love to speak them as well. Gracious words are filled with genuineness and sincerity. They communicate empathy and are chosen carefully. They are humble and respectful. They encourage, uplift, and appreciate. They are patient and calm and focus on being constructive and hopeful.
Gracious words are sweet and good, just like honey in that honeycomb. May you long to give gracious words as much as you long to receive gracious words!
Change begins in you!


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