Of course, elementary, middle, and high schools have been in session for a couple weeks now. And this week, colleges get back into it. Students everywhere are getting their heads filled with knowledge.
Our kids often wonder, why do people make such a fuss over school? Because we realize how valuable learning is. That’s what today’s word of wisdom helps us to see. Proverbs 16:16 says, “How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.”
Of course, wisdom and understanding are not exactly the same thing, but they are related. And both are more valuable that precious metal. Both are to be chosen over gold and silver. Not only does wisdom and education lead to financial gain, they are gains in themselves. Wise Ben Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
And that’s not just for the young ones among us. It goes for all of us. We never stop learning.
So, go get yourself a treasure full of wisdom and instruction. Back to school, back to school, got to go prove that you’re no fool.
Change begins in you!