Apostle Paul has a line at the beginning of Romans 3 that I absolutely love. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he exclaims, “Let God be true and every man a liar.” That’s a very Paul way of saying, God can be trusted. What He says is true. What He has promised, He’ll make good on. What He says is right is right, and what He says is wrong is wrong. Let God be true and every man a liar. In plain English, take God at His word. Believe God.
I don’t care what your mom and dad said. Believe God over them.
It doesn’t matter what your pappaw and mammaw said. Believe God over them. Who cares what that celebrity or politician said. Believe God over them. Forget what your teacher or professor said. Believe God over them.
Whoever it is. Believe God over them.
Beloved, God is where true truth is found. So, in your eyes, see God as true, and see every man who disagrees with God as a liar. That’ll protect you from falsehood and will revolutionize your life!
Change begins in you!