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This Is Love

We talk about love and sing about love all the time, but how would you define love? Some of you might say, “Well, preacher, it’s easier to show you love than to define love.” But, a definition is important so that we truly know what love is, lest we point to the wrong thing and call it love.

Love is not just a suggestion or a nice sentiment. It’s a command. We are repeatedly told to love. For instance, we read in 1 John 4:7, ‘Beloved, let us love one another…’

As I read Scripture, here is the definition that bubbles up that I want to submit to you:  love is strong affection rooted in truth for another person to the point you are willing to sacrifice for them. Let’s break that down.

First, love is affection. It’s a matter of the heart. Yes, I can do loving things for others, and they can feel loved, but I don’t really love them unless I have affection for them in my heart. The heart matters.

Second, it’s not just affection, but strong affection. Love is something intense. We don’t like them. We love them.

Third, it’s rooted in truth. The Bible tells us that love doesn’t not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. If your affection or actions aren’t rooted in truth. It’s not really love.

Finally, love that is really love brings about a willingness to sacrifice for that person. It may be a small sacrifice, or it may be great. Love led Jesus to sacrifice His life for us. But, whether it’s big or small, if there is an unwillingness to sacrifice, you don’t really love them.

So, love is strong affection rooted in truth for another person to the point you are willing to sacrifice for them. Friend, if you know God, you can’t help but do this because those that know God love others because God is love. So, get out there and biblically love somebody!

Change begins in you!


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