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Resurrection Proof

Do you ever struggle with believing that Jesus really is who he says he is? Is he really the son of God? Is he really the messiah, the Christ? Is he really the savior of the world? Can he really save my soul?

Well, you and I could look at all sorts of different pieces of evidence that point to the truth of Jesus is claims, and there are many of them. But there is one truth that seals the deal. That’s the truth of his resurrection. Apostle Paul says in Romans 1 that Jesus was declared to be the son of God in power, according to the spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead. In other words, Paul is saying that we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is who he says he is because he was raised from the dead. The resurrection proves everything!

But how do we know that Jesus was raised from the dead? Well, first off, we know that he really died and was placed in the tomb. Historians confirm those facts. We also know that the tomb was empty. In fact, Jesus appeared alive to people after his resurrection at least twelve different times and to over 500 witnesses. And couldn’t have been just a story they made up. No, stood nothing to gain on this earth from making up his resurrection. In fact, the stood to lose much. You see, many of these witnesses testified about his death and resurrection at the cost of their lives. If it has been a lie, they would have said, “Hey, we were just kidding. It ain’t worth dying for.” You see, nobody dies for a lie that they know is a lie. They died because the tomb really was empty and that they really had seen Jesus alive again.

Beloved, Jesus really was resurrected or raised from the dead. And his resurrection is all the proof you need to know that Jesus really is who he says he is, the Savior of the world. Has he saved you?

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