To despise yourself is to regard yourself as worthless. It’s to mistreat yourself, to hurt yourself. You see, instruction is there to help you grow to be a better person, to keep you out of trouble, and to put your life on a course of blessing. Your momma told you to not stick that fork in the light socket. That was good instruction, and if you ignored it, you despised yourself. Your daddy told you to put back some money for a rainy day. That was good instruction also, and if you ignored it, you despised yourself. Your granny told you to give your heart and life to Jesus. That’s real good instruction. If you ignore that, you despise yourself.
Ignoring all of these pieces of instruction and so many more is despising yourself because, in the end, it hurts you. But you don’t want to hurt yourself. You want to help yourself. Therefore, listen to wise instruction and do what you’re told. Not only will you gain intelligence, but your life will be better for it.
Change begins in you!