Someone once wrote, “Life is full of ups and downs, Like a rollercoaster ride, Times of joy and times of frowns, Through which we must abide.”
How do we help one another through these ups and downs, these hills and valleys? The Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul tells us how in Romans 12:15, saying, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep”
In other words, we come alongside them and join them in their happiness and we join them in their sorrow. When they are happy about things they should be happy about, you are happy with them. When they are sad about things they should be sad about, you are sad with them. You don’t have to have words to say. You just have to be present with them and empathize with them. Feel what they feel.
In doing so, you communicate unity: I am with you. You communicate maturity: I am not jealous for you or spiteful of you. You communicate care: I love you.
Don’t you appreciate when people come alongside you in your hills and valleys? Do the same for them.
Change begins in you!