CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Blog (Page 38)

Faith under Fire

We love music around the Simpson house, and in our opinion, it doesn’t get much better than The Isaacs. One of our favorite songs by them testifies joyfully in the chorus, “He’s taking care of me; in ways that I cannot see; He’s working it for my good just like He said He would, and He’s taking care of me.” What a…

Joy: the Fuel for Godliness

What motivates you to be a man or woman of God?  What keeps you going on, even on the difficult and trying days?  What’s the fuel for your godliness? There’s an amazing passage in Nehemiah 8 were Ezra, Nehemiah, and all the recently returned exiles of Israel gathered together in the newly restored Jerusalem.  The leaders opened the book of the Law…

Personal Criticism

CJ Mahaney of Sovereign Grace Ministries is writing a very helpful blog series called “The Pastor and Personal Criticism.”  While it’s geared toward pastors, I believe it’s very helpful in dealing with personal criticism for all Christians.  I really encourage you to read these as I am so that we will be better helped to handle personal criticism in a godly way…

Struggling Not Against Flesh and Blood

One of my favorite songs from the country music group Alabama said, “Oh, I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above.”  The Scripture says that there certainly are angels among us, but they’re not just cute winged babies.  These dudes are warriors locked in an epic, unseen battle between the forces of good and evil.…

What Hinders Your Prayer?

Without a doubt, prayer is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.  I mean, can you believe that the God of the universe takes requests from us?  That He invites us into conversation?  That He wants us to express our hearts to Him?  That’s amazing! Inherent to the act of prayer is the reality that the one praying expects a “yes” to…

Resources for Growing in Prayer

On my drive up to Lafayette, IN on Sunday, I had the privilege of listening to half the audio from this year’s Desiring God Pastors Conference.  You can access the audio here and John Piper’s biography of Robert Murray McCheyne here.  The theme this year was “The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor.”  Even if you’re not a pastor, it would be a…

The 70 Weeks: Figurative, Future, or Fulfilled?

The Scripture is full of prophecy, but probably the most intriguing is the prophecy of 70 weeks given to Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27.  Along with intriguing, it’s also rather contested as to what it all actually means.  Three basic noteworthy interpretations have been put forth in church history:  the Figurative View, the Futurist View, and the Fulfilled View.  In this article, I…

Your Jubilee Is Here

Wouldn’t it be something if the United States Congress and President Obama declared that in 2012 all debts in the United States of America will be erased?  Now don’t get all political on me and start hollering about the growing extent and abuse of government under the current administration.  Work with me here!  If this were to happen, I’m not sure how…

Can I Be a Preacher?

“Can I be a preacher someday, Pastor Ben?” said the smiling little 9-year-old boy across the desk from me.  One of my joys every Sunday morning is having some of the young ones come say good morning to me there in my office.  They usually want to show me their outfit, new toy, or doll, but yesterday, I had one wanting to…

10 Ways to Be Comforted

The prophet Daniel got some really hard news in Daniel 8.  He received a vision from God telling him about this terrible ruler to come who would persecute and kill Daniel’s kinsmen and would even directly oppose God.  To be honest, Daniel didn’t take it well.  First, he swooned and passed out (Dan 8:17-18).  Then, he lay deflated and sick for days…