Are you ready to dance this Wednesday? Then I have just the worship song for you. This week’s worship song spotlight is on the song “We Will Dance”!
Written by David Ruis and published in 1993 through Mercy / Vineyard Publishing, this song captures the joy that will happen when we enter the gates of Heaven. Of course, we don’t have to wait until we get to Heaven. We should sing a song of celebration right now!
I first came into contact with this song back in the late 90s while I was studying at Hanover College. I regularly attended the Baptist Collegiate Ministry group there. In fact, when I first began, ours was still called B.S.U. (Baptist Student Union). We’d gather together for Bible study in the student center and sing songs of praise, one of which was “We Will Dance.” I fell in love with this simple, yet powerful song immediately.
The thrust of the song reminds us that soon and very soon Jesus is going to return. His second coming is imminent. Who knows when exactly it will be, but it will certainly be. Therefore, we who are His should stand in joyful readiness, and those who are not yet His through repentance and faith in Jesus should come to Christ while there is still opportunity. You certainly don’t want to miss the party that Heaven will be! I bet even Baptists will dance in Heaven!
So, take a moment today and sing along with David Ruis as he leads us to dance, clap, and sing in light of Jesus’ imminent return.
Sing a song of celebration
Lift up a shout of praise
For the Bridegroom will come
The glorious One
And oh, we will look on His face
We’ll go to a much better place
Dance with all your might
Lift up your hands and clap for joy
The time’s drawing near
When He will appear
And oh, we will stand by His side
A strong, pure, spotless bride
We will dance on the streets that are golden
The glorious bride and the great Son of man
From every tongue and tribe and nation
Will join in the song of the Lamb