But today’s word of wisdom causes us to think again. Proverbs 17:9 says, “Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.” So, keeping that news to yourself is loving, but blabbing about it to others is hurtful. So, gossip is hurtful. But, let’s be specific about what gossip is. I’d define it as telling somebody else’s business you have no business telling to people who have no business knowing.
Gossip can be hard to resist, and it’s easy to understand why. It can be fun and exciting. It’s like a tasty morsel of food you can’t wait to share with others. It can be entertaining to snack, so to speak, on the stories of other people’s lives. Or sometimes, it’s a way of showing off. We know something that others don’t because have special inside access. Or let’s be honest, sometimes it’s a way to hurt people we want to hurt for whatever reason.
So, gossip can, on the surface, seem innocent. Other times, it’s outright malicious. But it’s always sinful. Gossip hurts neighbors, divides friends, and damages reputations and relationships. The Bible labels gossips as untrustworthy and meddlesome and even as worthy of death. You should avoid gossip at all costs. But, you can’t always help what you hear. However, you can always help what you tell others. “Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.”
Will you keep it to yourself and show love, or will you sin and blab it?
Change begins in you!