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'Travis Ryan' Tagged Posts

Wednesday Is for Worship: “We Believe”


Songs are powerful.  As we often hear, music soothes the savage beast.  They have the ability to affect us deeply on so many levels.  They can capture and remind us of an intense moment in our life, bringing either joy or sorrow to the foreground of our hearts and faces.  They can incite one to nearly every emotion imaginable.  They are powerful indeed!

But on this Wednesday, we must be reminded that songs are also a powerful teaching tool.  That’s one of the strongest reasons why Christianity is a singing religion.  Through verse and melody, the faith is transmitted into the hearts and minds of Jesus followers.  That’s why it’s so important for the Christian songs we sing to be biblically correct, but that’s another post I suppose.

A great example of how Christian songs teach is the Newboys recent release “We Believe.”