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'Conflict' Tagged Posts

The Danger of Airing Negative Church Situations at Home with Our Children: An Interview with Pastor Bill Houpt

I have been in pastoral ministry now for a decade.  As any leader in the church knows—whether they are a pastor, elder, deacon, chairman, director, or a regular lay volunteer—disappointment, frustration, controversy, disagreement, arguments, and a whole other litany of negative situations are part of what every leader has to deal with.  We are sinners working with sinners.  Negative things are bound…

Fight, Flight, or Get Right

One of the shows that I’ve really loved over the years is Wild America with Marty Stouffer.  I love the beauty and the drama that is highlighted in basically my own back yard.  One of my favorite scenes is captured below.  Watch it as an illustration of what I’m about to say, and then read on. If we observe nature today,…