We live in such a strange day when everything politically seems to have been flipped on its head. There’s no real pursuit of right or wrong anymore. There’s only the raw pursuit of power. And whatever it takes to get your party into power, that’s what you do. That’s what you push, even if it means twisting the truth, even if means justifying the wicked and condemning the righteous.
We see it through the way things are colored and slanted in the news. If one candidate does it, it’s very bad, but if the other candidate does it, it’s very good.
We see it in the way issues are framed. That which is absolutely immoral is reframed as something very moral and the greatest thing since sliced bread. They often do it through the labels they use.
We see it in through gaslighting. Gaslighting is basically telling you you are crazy if you saw what you saw. They try to convince you that what you know happened didn’t really happen.
We see it also with demonization, making people out to be much worse than they really are so that you look better than them.
And finally, we see it also with false accusations. The wicked Nazi propaganda expert Joseph Goebbels came up with a very effective political strategy of false accusation. He said, “Accuse the other side of that which you’re guilty.”Isn’t that what we see in this political season?
Beloved, all of this is very troubling, but listen to what Proverbs 17:15 says, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” The Lord is disgusted with those who do such a thing. He sits in opposition to them. And in the end, they will not win. Keep that in mind no matter what happens this political season.
Change begins in you!