I have something to confess to you. I want to confess that I don’t like confessing. And I bet you don’t either. I mean, whenever we have done something wrong, we want to keep it hidden. We want to keep it private. We don’t want anybody to know what we did. That’s how our fallen flesh approaches our sins and mistakes: conceal and deny.
But the Holy Spirit in James chapter 5 calls to a different approach, saying, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.”
You see, sin that is covered over, concealed, and kept in can really have negative effects on us and not just spiritually speaking. In the context here, James is saying that it can even be the cause of some physical sickness we are facing. That’s certainly a possibility.
But more importantly, sin that we keep in the dark continues to have power over us, and we fight the battle alone. When we confess our sin to a trusted and mature friend, we drag that sin out into the light and expose it, and we gain a partner to pray for us in the battle. As James says, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” But not only do we gain a partner to pray with, but we also gain a partner to walk with us and to fight for us so that we might have victory over that sin.
Beloved, confessing your sin might be one of the toughest things you’ll ever do, but it’s absolutely key to winning the battle and being set free.
Change begins in you!