CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Front Page (Page 13)

Tried and Failed

Do you ever look at some of the heroes of the Bible and think to yourself, “I could never do that.  I’m a failure,”? Maybe that’s how you feel in the face of amazing stories of victory like the one experienced by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego when they stood before King Nebuchadnezzar, who had given them the option of bowing down to…

The Kingdom of God: Already But Not Yet

Given Tuesday night’s message at the Salem Baptist Association annual meeting, it’s ironic that I had already prepared to post what I’m about to share with you.  Bear with me a moment so that I can set up what I’m about to say from the context of the book of Daniel, which I am currently preaching through on Sunday mornings… In the…

Exercise Your Humility By Praying

Prayer is one of God’s precious graces to us.  It has many purposes for our life and growth, but have you ever thought about how prayer is meant to be an instrument of humility in our lives? In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus, by example, teaches us how to pray.  Of course, this passage is best known as “The Lord’s Prayer,” but it’s probably…

Why Is Church Membership Important?

Church membership is on the ropes.  Anecdotal evidence abounds as our church literally has been knocking on every door here in the city of Alexandria.  So many times we’ve heard, “I’m a Christian, but I don’t need to ever go to church.” Compelling evidence also exists in the statistics of our denomination.  The Southern Baptist Convention boasts a membership of over 16…

A Glimpse

I caught a glimpse of something terrible Monday night.  The imagery came straight from the pages of Scripture, but what the Scripture says affected me.  Suddenly I felt what was being described.  And it scared me.  It broke my heart. The Scripture passage was Malachi 4:1-3: “For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer…

Child Math

I don’t know if I’ve confessed this before, but I’m no lover of math.  In fact, I successfully got around my required Calculus credit for my bachelor’s degree by taking Applied Statistics for Social Sciences.  That was surely an answer to prayer!  Now, my friend and church brother Guy Buckner is all about math.  I think he even sees the world in…

How to Handle Grief Biblically

Jesus told us in John 16:33 that in this world, in this lifetime, we will have trouble.  There will be pain, tribulation, and suffering, and in the wake of trouble comes grief.  Grief is a common human experience.  We all know what it is because we’ve all been through it.  Perhaps you are in grief…

My Email to Glenn Beck

In response to Glenn Beck’s TV show, which aired Wednesday, August 18, I decided to voice some concern to him.  Maybe you’re not aware that Mr. Beck is a Mormon.  Spiritually, that’s troublesome to me because Mormonism is a false religion, but I still listen often to Glenn Beck for his political insight.  His Mormonism doesn’t really come to bear, with the exemption of…

MythBusters: Hell Edition

I ran across this interesting piece of insight into hell by Pastor Joe Thorn.  Hell is one of the most misunderstood realities by the general population.  Myths abound about it, but after reading this article, I consider the myths busted! Joe writes the following: Over the years I have encountered a number of myths about hell attached to people’s theology. Some are…

Through the Fire: 10 Truths to Help in the Face of Persecution

Ben Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes.”  While I appreciate his wit and agree that those two things are an unfortunate mainstay, there are, of course, many more certainties we can expect in this age.  For the Christian, one certainty, I’m sad to say, is persecution.  Suffering of this type is particularly commonplace for Christians…