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A Helmet for Your Soul

The human body is made up of all sorts of body parts, but there’s one body part that you can’t live without, and that is your head. That reminds of what the headless horseman told his therapist. When his therapist asked him what was wrong, he said, “I just can’t get ahead in life.” You know, it is hard to get ahead without a head.

So, the smart soldier going into battle does all that he can to protect his most vital part of his body. And how does he do that? A helmet. That added armor and cushioning goes a long way to ensure that the head and brain are protected from injury.

Continuing in our walk through the armor of God that the Holy Spirit encourages us to put on amid spiritual combat, we come to the helmet of salvation. Salvation is like a helmet because like a helmet, it covers the most vital part of our being, our soul. Jesus reminds us how precious and valuable our soul is when he said, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” That means that our soul is even more valuable and precious than all of the earth and its treasure.

Salvation protects our soul by securing Heaven for us. Even in the midst of that battle, our soul is safe. We might even lose that spiritual battle, but our salvation ensures that we will win the war and will be delivered safely into the hands of our loving Father in Heaven, who gives us eternal life. Salvation is the best helmet you can imagine for your soul.

The question is, do you have this salvation? Are you saved? The answer is yes only if you have turned from your sins and trusted in the life, death, resurrection, and lordship of Jesus. Those who have done so have the soul saved and secure.

In those spiritual battles, you need your soul covered and to be reminded that it’s covered. Don’t forget that helmet of salvation.

Change begins in you!


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