Now, we could take that proverb two ways. One way is the cynical way. People want to hang out with generous people because they hope they can get something generous out of their generosity. And, that’s certainly true for some people. They are just looking to get a handout.
But, the other way is something like what some people call the law of attraction, which is the idea that you attract to yourself what you put out. But, a biblical way of saying this reality is the law of harvest. You will reap what you sow. Therefore, if you sow kindness, which is what generosity is, then you will reap kindness back. If you are a generous person, people will be generous back to you. If you are a generous person, people will want to be around you and will want to be your friend. And if you are not, just like ol’ Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol,” people won’t be able to get out of your presence fast enough.
Beloved, if you want to be blessed, bless others. Cultivate a generous spirit and a generous hand. As Anne Frank once said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Change begins in you!