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Does It Bother You?

Are you going to heaven? If you’ve turned from sin and are trusting in Christ as your Savior and Lord, then you undoubtedly are. And praise God for that.

But for those of us who are going to heaven, does it bother you that some of your friends, family, and neighbors are going to hell? I’m not asking for the Sunday School answer here. I mean, seriously, does it really bother you?

It sure bothered Apostle Paul. He said that he had great sorrow and unceasing anguish in his heart that many of the people who were around him were going to hell. He was so burdened that he said he was willing to go to hell himself if it meant that they would go to heaven.

Do you have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in your heart over the lostness around you? We should. Are you so burdened for your loved ones that you would be willing to go to hell yourself if that meant they would go to heaven? Well, here’s the good news. You can both go to heaven. You just have to be burdened enough about their eternal destiny to actually share the bad news of our sin and the good news of how Jesus Christ can save us from our sin. That’s how we will know if we are really burdened about their lostness:  when we actually try to see them saved. That’s what Apostle Paul. And so should we.

Change begins in you!


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