CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Blog (Page 21)

5 Tips for Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Do you know your neighbors?  It’s fairly common around here in 2015 to hear somebody admit that they really don’t, which seems a bit strange given the fact that most of us could easily throw a rock and hit several of our their houses.  They live that close to us, yet we don’t know them.…

What Contagion Are You Spreading?

I am a firm believer in the germ theory, which hypothesizes that some diseases are caused by microorganisms that, although are way too small to be seen with the naked eye, invade the body and cause big problems.  Of course, while this theory was once highly controversial, it’s accepted as absolute fact now because of indisputable scientific proof backing it.  We’ve all become…

Don’t Ever Stop Clapping for the LGBTQ Community

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian author and critic of Soviet totalitarianism.  He had great reason to be a detractor given his years of imprisonment in Soviet gulags and forced work camps after being charged with writing anti-Soviet propaganda during Stalin’s reign.  Later in life, Solzhenitsyn captured what it was like to live in those times in a book called The Gulag Archipelago.  Those were very dangerous days when…

Jesus Is the Answer – Hope


Advent - Jesus Is the Answer

This week we begin our season of Advent, which is the Christian season of preparation for Christmas. The word “advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming” or “visit.” In the Advent season, we keep in mind both “advents,” both “visits” of Christ, the first in Bethlehem and the second yet to come.

Our theme this year is “Jesus Is the Answer.” This week we focus on

Father of the Imperfect

As Christians, we understand that we are undoubtedly called to obedience by God in the Scripture, but we are not yet perfect. Yes, we will one day be perfect in glory, and yes, we are positionally perfect before God right now because we have trusted in our perfect Savior, but here on the earth, we are not perfect yet.

What I Wish I Knew When I Went to College


All across America, freshmen are heading to college campuses and class for the first time.  They be getting their matriculation on!  They are bright-eyed, nervous, and excited about all they’re going to experience and learn during the years ahead.  That’s how I was back in 1998.  I was so eager for someone to fill my head with knowledge, but looking back, I really wish I knew then what I know now.  Here’s what my 34-year-old self would tell my 18-year-old self.

Wednesday Is for Worship: Behold the Lamb (Communion Song)


This is Wednesday, but it’s also the day that we have scheduled at our church to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  Our church has two campuses, and one of the ways we try to promote unity is to worship together on Wednesday nights, and about every four months, the gathered campuses celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  Tonight is that night for us.  So, today’s song is a Lord’s Supper song, “Behold the Lamb (Communion Song).”